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Waves of Healing


Diana Stefanik, owner of Waves of Healing
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I grew up with constant sinus infections as a child. Most of my childhood and adult life was spent taking antibiotics and steroids. By the time I reached 40, my health was declining rapidly. Needless to say, it was affecting me as an individual, a wife, a mom, and a friend.


I was disillusioned with traditional medicine. They were at a loss to help and basically had told me I was depressed and needed anti-depressants. My brother suggested an alternative health clinic. I was skeptical. Alternative health was for hippies and vegans and I wasn’t either. But I was so desperate that I went. Ardis Healing Center, now known as North Texas Healing Center, opened my eyes to a whole new world! Within two weeks, I was like the energizer bunny! It was life-changing, to say the least. However, progress slowed and Dr. Ardis suggested I do an emotional release session. It sounded like voodoo to me, but I was so encouraged by my progress, I wanted to keep going!


My first session felt underwhelming. I have to admit I left angry and disappointed. But one or two hours later, a flood of memories came back, and I realized just how much I had stuffed. I couldn’t wait to go back for more! Later, I was hired by the clinic to do office work, but my heart was set on emotional release. I started working on my training and I haven’t looked back since! I minored in Psychology in college and I love helping others through their healing journeys - so this was just the right fit!


I grew up in Arizona but moved to Texas in 2002 with my husband and two children. I love nature, camping, reading, watching movies, taking landscape pictures, and all things Hawaii!


In June of 2021, I made the difficult decision to leave the clinic and open my own place. I chose the name, Waves of Healing, for many different reasons. The rhythm of ocean waves reminds me of my own healing journey - sometimes up and sometimes down. The ocean is my healing place to go to. Emotions have their own frequency waves so that seemed applicable too.


I look forward to meeting you in person, on the phone, Facetime, Zoom, or by email. I realize the techniques I use may not be for everyone, but I will always try to help you connect to a technique that is right for you!


With a grateful heart,

Diana Stefanik, CBCP

​© 2024 Waves of Healing.

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